Production services
School Filming and Media Package - 100+ Media Copies
Let Starbrite Studios film your school event and produce a lasting memory on media of your choice. Price is based on ordering 100+ media items (DVD/Blu-Ray discs).
School Filming and Media Package - 20+ Media Copies
Let Starbrite Studios film your school event and produce a lasting memory on media of your choice. Price is based on ordering 20+ media items (DVD/Blu-Ray discs).
School Filming and Media Package - 30+ Media Copies
Let Starbrite Studios film your school event and produce a lasting memory on media of your choice. Price is based on ordering 30+ media items (DVD/Blu-Ray discs).
School Filming and Media Package - 40+ Media Copies
Let Starbrite Studios film your school event and produce a lasting memory on media of your choice. Price is based on ordering 40+ media items (DVD/Blu-Ray discs).
Planet Perform 2022 Show DVD
Why not pre-order your DVD copy of the 2022 Derwent Danceworks Show, 'Planet Perform'. Reserve your copy today! You will be notified via email when the DVD is 'shipped'. This means your item(s) can be collected from the venue of your usual classes.